Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Visit from my parents :)

Ok why I decided to do this......I'm not sure! This thing was extremely heavy! And all I could think about was it's tail wrapping around my leg and all the animals inside it!.....rats, mice, rabbits....  Honestly I could only hold it on my own for about 5 seconds and I had him help me! Random crazy thing!

This is at the Immigration Museum, such a cool building. It was used for other things than holding Immigrants, it was used for a medical center for the soldiers during WW1 as well. this room was filled with hospital beds at one point. It's neat to think about all the things these walls have seen.  there was one room about the size of an average bedroom with beds hanging from the ceiling and 3 toilets.  They said a room that size usually held about 300 immigrants.  It's sad to think the sacrifices our ancestors went through to come to America.

Liberty Island!!!

My Mom reading the kids a story about the Statue of Liberty.

Looking back at Manhattan from the Island

Bus ride home
Carson sitting by one of the guys that works for Pinnacle with Dave. 
Times Square and Broadway

We ate at Dave & Busters in Times Square. It's a restaurant with an arcade room as well. Really fun for the kids!
Walking to the bus stop. 

This is our church! Really cool having my parents there!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Yesterday we went to one of the hospitals out here and while we were sitting out in the waiting area, Carson snuck over and pulled the fire alarm! It obviously put the whole hospital under alert and when the sirens started to go you could tell Carson knew he'd done something bad! We went and talked to the security officers and they were very nice! Lesson learned???.....who knows with this child!! :) That night we were eating at Applebees and he looked up and saw a fire alarm and asked me what it was! Smart Aleck!

On Sunday we got to go to church out here for the first time. It was definetely a smaller ward than we're used to! The people here are so NICE!  I took the kids to primary and there were a total of 16 kids all different cultures! It was really neat to see them all singing together and best friends! what this world should be like always right?....I'm really excited for us to have these new experiences together. Carson is really noticing how different people are and how we all look and do things differently. It's neat to see him learning and growing up!

This is just off our balcony~ the trees just go on and on!! I love how beautiful and green it is out here!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


These are such great kids!! I feel really lucky to be able to spend some extra time with them this summer.  They love going out on this balcony and it drives me crazy because we are on the 4th floor and when I go out there i get dizzy! You know how your feet all the sudden get tingley?...I hate that. So I don't let them go out there much, but today they got to go sit out there and they were being so silly! They really have a lot of fun together!

One thing they think is so funny is on Madagascar 2. The hippo...Moto Moto sings that song, "I like em' Big! I like em' chunky!"......they love saying that in their deep voices! And then they laugh so hard! really Cute!!!