Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

In February I bought Carson a big boy bed, hoping that he would be excited to sleep in it, and would stay in his own bed at night. Uh...No. Night after night he would get out of his bed wanting to sleep with me. Thanks to Super Nanny I got the great idea of just tucking him back in bed time and time again, as long as it took, until he finally stays. And the key is to only say goodnight once, then after that, I would just pick him up and quietly put him back in his bed. Some nights it went on forever. I probably put him back in his bed twenty times, and it was really hard for me not to give in. But the rewards are phenominal! The last few weeks I have even looked forward to putting him in his bed, because he is so sweet to tell me goodnight and go right to sleep.


Meagan + Michael said...

Wow, I am so proud of you! Don't give in, this is a good thing for him!

The Oelofsen Fam said...

I know you don't really know who I am. I'm Lizzie. I guess you could say your cousin. My Mom is Shirley Westenskow, David's sister.

That is a great accomplishment. We had Kailee either just before or just after you had Carson. I got Kailee into her toddler bed before she was two. But only because we lost all of the hardware to her crib. She's always stayed in her bed. But, the habit I have to break, is staying put in the room while she falls asleep. Don't worry, I'm working on it. Awesome for him though.

Anonymous said...

That is great. Switching to the toddler bed is tricky. They think they are free now to get out of bed whenever they want.

I am not doing any thing, I don't have to teach and Curt is moving to California on Tuesday. I would love to do something.

Kristen said...

Hey Marcie. I didn't know you had a blog. I am excited! Yes, the rumor you heard is true. I haven't told too many people but I told Megan and Mike at church so that is how you probably found out I am guessing. I had an ultrasound and the heart rate was a little slow so I am having another one tomorrow so hopefully everything is ok. Well, we will have to keep in touch more with the blog thing going on. I will add you to my list. Good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Marcie, I can not believe I foundyou on this I guess I cankeep intouch with you this way, cause I never get to see ya Carson is so cute & Big. keep in touch Im going to add you to my list,thank you to kristen for letting me find you!!
love jennica

Meagan + Michael said...

I can't comment on your slide show so I'll do it here. We haven't talked for a while! And you never comment on my blog, brat!

The Chizel Family said...

Hey marcie, its tynelle, i found your blog off jennica's.
I love your header, I haven't figured out how to make mine that cute yet. you boy is so cute!
keep in touch