Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Some Team Meeting this was.....

I had to throw some of these up because I thought
they were so hilarious! It's funny to catch someones face
in the "moment" Haha! Sorry so many, but they were
Awesome shots!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Our Days Out!

We went to the Dallas Aquarium yesterday.
It was crazy busy and packed full of people! Probably
would have been more fun without the chaos, but it
was good to be out!

Up the stairs is where we live! Going to be sad leaving it!
The kids loved the Children's Museum! We went
with my Aunt Celia, her friend and all the kids! There was
SO much to do there! They were digging out dino fossils!
Climbing Walls, going through tunnels, and spider webs

planting gardens, milking cows, and looking
for eggs under the chickens. Of course none of
it was real, but they still had fun!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sweatin it out

So we took the kids to the zoo, and I have NEVER sweat so much in my life! Pretty disgusting, I know! It really wasn't that hot, 85 maybe, but just the humidity! Guess I could never live in Houston! The Zoo here was a lot of fun! Lots to see!

Not a very close shot, but the Albino Alligators are really cool I think.  Carson Loves the Alligators!
Hah ha! Elephants are SO wrinkley! 
My Bub!
Cute! Reese wouldn't smile for the pic until she got to hold the penguins beak

Saturday, August 1, 2009


This picture is a little dark, but we went boating with a bunch of the guys on the team.  They are all so nice and helped take care of the kids! 

There were the hugest carp by the dock!! bigger than I have ever seen before! The guys were feeding them cheetos! So gross!
Dave can never be serious in a picture! 
Dave wakeboarding